
Thursday, August 1, 2013

The 3 L's of Summer

I hope you have had an exciting break filled with the 3 L's of summer:
                    lounging, loved ones, and learning!


It's hard to believe that I am getting ready to enter my 9th year of teaching already. Its seems like just yesterday that I entered my midle school classroom wondering what questions my science students would ask first. And now, I'm teaching 3rd grade with so much more depth of knowledge about education and subject matter thanks to that "L" of learning over the summer! At first it was just a face-to-face workshop here and there that caught my attention for PD, but through the years technology has helped teacher PD expand exponentially via Twitter, Facebook, and the blogging experience! Each day this summer, I have been waking up excited about all of the new wonderful tools, techniques, books, tips, and tricks that the cyber world offers!

Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Classroom Freebies site
2. Literacy and Math Ideas site
3. 89 Cool Apps, Sites, Tools for Teachers
4.Animoto - a video making website

I have also expanded my professional learning network beyond anything I could have ever imagined when first entering the teaching field. I now talk to and bounce ideas off of teachers all over the country and the world. It's something that still blows my mind when I really think about that concept of shared learning over thousands of miles with people you have never met in person.  I have found so many people with common interests and people who truly love to discuss current educational topics! I love it! How has technology helped you in your quest for collaboration?

My family and friends live close by so I have been able to enjoy my loved ones almost every day this summer! That is, of course, when I'm not working on a new product or blog post! I am also so fortunate that I have a some of my summer left so I can still get to the "lounging" part out west in two weeks. I will post and tweet during that time though! 

Until next time,

The Elementary Math Teacher

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