
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Start With Why

Simon Sinek's book, Start with Why, is changing my life. If you haven't read this yet, do yourself a favor and download on audible or pick up a hard copy soon. It is a quick and easy read with principles and information that will give you a total mindshift and lead to inspirational thinking. 

I believe in this blog site, in my Twitter stream, and in my career in teaching. It was not until after reading this with Sinek's idea of the Golden Circle that I started thinking about why I am so devoted to these educational outlets. Below are my 'whys' written down so that I am clear for others and clearer for myself. Please, if something is fuzzy in this let me know. 
1. I believe that students deserve teachers who believe in student-centered mathematics.

2. I believe that teachers need opportunities and resources to become stronger mathematicians.

3. I believe that elementary teachers need ongoing and relevant professional development centered around student-centered mathematics.

4. I believe that educators need to connect with one another and share ideas about mathematics as well as push themselves in their current beliefs and knowledge about mathematics.

What are your belief statements for your passions?

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